What We Do - Shared Education


What We Do

The Rural Centre for Shared Education provides a range of services, including: 

• Information, support and guidance
• Shared education project design, development and implementation
• Monitoring and evaluation of shared education projects and programmes
• Community facilitation, consultations and surveys
• Organisation of study trips & good practice visits
• Lobbying and advocacy work
• Information and support on cross-border collaboration
• Research & policy work and
• Supporting school communities to develop shared education models that meets their needs.


We are client focused.  We believe in a bottom-up approach that will enable school communities develop local solutions to meet their own specific needs.   We are independent and are not aligned to any education sector / body. 


We work with a wide variety of stakeholders including: 
• School communities (e.g. Governors, Staff, Parent Teacher Associations)
• Local community associations and groups
• Funding organisations
• Government departments and organisations
• Education bodies
• School sectoral bodies
• Cross-border organisations and
• Other relevant stakeholders.

Please contact us to discuss you specific needs & requirements.

Arlene Foster "The Shared Education Programme in Fermanagh is an exemplary model of how children can learn together, how people can work together and how communities can be brought together for two main purposes: 1. To share resources; and 2. To further reconciliation and good community relations. In terms of education, the programme provides a model for the future."
Arlene Foster MLA
Michelle Gildernew "Given the current economic situation and budget cuts across departments, the future sustainability of rural schools is an issue which concerns us all. The Shared Education Programme brings schools together enabling them to work collaboratively to enhance curriculum delivery. Shared Education also provides schools with the potential opportunity to explore future models for educational delivery."
Michelle Gildernew MP
Rev. Trevor Gribben "Educational opportunities which enable young people from across the different school sectors to join together through contact, collaboration and sharing are to be welcomed. The Shared Education Projects in County Fermanagh are great role models oh how this can actually happen on the ground and as such are to be both commended and encouraged."
Rev. Trevor Gribben
Bishops Liam MacDaid and John McDowell "We have been impressed by many of the Shared Education Projects in County Fermanagh with which we have gained some familiarity. Any process which has as its purpose to protect the ethos and worthy cultural tradition of participants while at the same time encouraging mutual respect, co-operation and sharing of resources is to be warmly welcomed."
Bishops Liam MacDaid and John McDowell